So WHAT IF We Couldn’t Get Divorced?

In response to the blogger on yahoo! Aug. 21, 2014……

I think what’s really being asked is, what if one spouse could no longer unilaterally divorce the other spouse without cause (and without economic consequence) simply because modern civil government believes the spouse who wants out  “deserves to be happy”?      Divorce against God’s will goes all the way back to Moses – at least, and such all-or-nothing debate seems a bit pointless.    It would actually take far less than an all-out divorce ban to radically improve our nation’s security and prosperity.

Perhaps a more productive question is: “What if uncontested, mutual-consent divorce became the only ‘faultless’ divorce available?”

Here’s my take on that:

1) Basic Constitutional rights would be restored to the “Respondent” for the first time in 40 years in some states.

2) God’s hand of blessing would return to the United States after His long season of withdrawing Divine protection from prolonged political, social and economic hard times.

3)   The suicide rate for men and teens would decline precipitously.

4) Substance abuse and abortion rates would decline precipitously .

5)  People would see more of their pastors and counselors, and would take their advice more seriously.

6) The poverty rate would decline sharply and government budgets would be balanced again without raising taxes.

7) The homosexuality rate, particularly rebound lesbianism, would decline.

8) Pornography use would decline.

9)  Individual couples would retire substantially wealthier.

10) In time, we’d see an end to mass shootings in public places like day care centers, schools, malls and places of employment.


7 Times Around the Jericho Wall | Let’s Repeal No-Fault Divorce





2 thoughts on “So WHAT IF We Couldn’t Get Divorced?”

  1. Actually, it is impossible to divorce one’s spouse, just as Jesus taught, for he only eternal natural law. Moses may have been forced to allow divorce, but he didn’t say it had any real effect on the marriage or in eternity or that God sanctioned it. For there is no such thing as divorce or remarriage to God, no matter what laws or decrees or beliefs mortals may come up with. Marriage and family are both naturally eternal and not even God can dissolve a marriage, nor can man’s laws do that. Divorces and remarriages will have no force in the afterlife and original marriages and spouses will be able to work thru any issues and be healed and all problems easily solved.

  2. Same -sex attraction would also decrease significantly amongst teens and young adults.

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